When setting up a self-managed super fund, you need to hire SMSF administration Wollongong Services because they are experts in this field. You want the best for your investment, and you want to be sure that everything is set up according to the law. SMSF administration Wollongong Services will walk you through every step of the process. When it comes down to setting up a self-managed super fund (SMSF), there are many legalities to consider, including:
The documentation required; The fees; The time frame; and who can become a trustee — only people over the age of 18 years may act as trustees or directors of an SMSF, with at least one director/trustee being under the age of 65 years (there is no maximum age limit) and all members must be Australian residents.
How to register an SMSF?
First, create a trust deed with the help of your SMSF administration Services or seek legal advice in case you need more complicated rules. This is the most important step in setting up an SMSF because it outlines how your fund will operate and what it can do for its members.